Pipeline inspection requires the following two qualifications:

2023-03-10 10:43:22

1. Special qualification for pipeline testing;
2. CMA qualification.9----9.jpg
Pipeline detection refers to the use of a pipeline-transported medium-driven detector to run inside the pipeline and detect in real time whether there is corrosion, wear, deformation, etc. in the pipeline. If the above-mentioned situation occurs, accurately locate the problematic part for operation.
Pipeline inspection is relatively common in daily life, and oil and gas pipelines that are necessary in our lives are used more often.
Common oil and gas pipelines are laid underground, and inspections in the pipeline can play a role in predicting in advance. Once problems are found, they can be solved in time to prevent unnecessary accidents and ensure safety.
Daily pipeline inspection can also save costs, and timely pipeline inspection can avoid many risks.
CMA qualification is a certificate with high gold content issued by China Metrology and Certification Bureau. It is divided into provincial certificates and national certificates. National certificates are implemented by national certification organizations, and provincial certificates are implemented by provincial quality and technical supervision bureaus.

No matter which level, the effect represented is exactly the same, and there is no saying which level is higher.
Only after obtaining the testing qualification of the National Metrology Qualification Certificate can the CMA mark be used on the inspection report in accordance with the law. The country is very strict in this review, and the CAM qualification has legal effect on project quality evaluation, judicial appraisal, and project quality results.

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